Diamond Parking
From airpot

Pick Up Diamond Parking From Airport

These are your pick up instructions, if you choose our home location at 50 South Redwood Road, Salt Lake City, Utah,84116.


*When you arrive to Salt Lake City, you will need to organize a Lyft or Uber or your own transportation to 50 S Redwood Road (Diamond Airport Parking Lot)

*Your car will be parked in front of the entrance to parking lot

*Look in Trip Photos on App, to See where Car is Parked

*Car will be Unlocked or will Unlock Remotely

*Keys & Exit Ticket will be in Envelope in Glove Box 

*Take a Picture of You with Your License in Hand by License Plate

*Take Pictures of All Sides of the Car including Odometer

*Check-In on App

Enjoy your trip.